


1. 通过与客户进行深入的提问和对话,揭示产品/服务潜藏的价值。
2. 以多角度分析市场的真正需求,包括收集大数据和进行"实时实地"的调研。
3. 为产品/服务赋予设计概念和故事。我们深信只有故事才能震撼人心。
4. 运用非商业化的设计元素,赋予产品/服务独一无二的印象和客户体验。
5. 当然,还有我们以"本真"为目标的幻象团队。

We will deeply understand the client's vision and market demands through dialogue, and together explore ways to showcase the core value of the product/service.

The goal of VISION is to present the true essence of the product/service, rather than its commercial facade. We believe that commercialization is shortsighted, money-centered, and focused on immediate gains. Discerning consumers can see this clearly. Once the image of a product/service is damaged, it is difficult to repair. The team of VISION deeply understands the design philosophy of "value over price" and "authenticity over commercialism". Our vision is to build long-term relationships with clients, just as our esteemed clients also aspire to establish enduring connections with consumers. Only then can the product/service have the opportunity to achieve significant impact, broad dissemination, and a profound impression.

So, how does Illusion achieve this goal?
1. By engaging in in-depth questioning and dialogue with clients, exposing the hidden value of the product/service.
2. Through multi-perspective analysis of the true market demands, including collecting big data and conducting real-time on-site research.
3. Infusing product/service with design concepts and stories. We strongly believe that only stories can truly captivate people.
4. Utilizing non-commercial design elements to create a unique impression and customer experience for the product/service.
5. And of course, there's our Illusion team, dedicated to authenticity as our goal.


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